We assess our carbon footprint to gauge the environmental impact of our operations and shape our environmental strategy accordingly. We adhere to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) standards and ISO 14064 guidelines for this measurement.

Our organizational carbon footprint encompasses:

Scope 1
Includes emissions from fixed and mobile combustion, as well as fugitive emissions.
Scope 2
Encompasses emissions related to the consumption of electrical energy.
Scope 3
Covers all other indirect emissions within our value chain and external carbon emissions not directly associated with our operations.
This data is compiled and reported annually at both state and federal levels in Mexico and on platforms like ECOVADIS and CDP.
Technological Equipment

Our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology designed to significantly reduce or eliminates the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. For example, our Steel Mill has one of the most sophisticated fume collection and treatment systems capable of processing 1,600,000 cubic meters of air per hour.

Our polishing booths are equipped with advanced particle suction and control systems, capable of handling 16,000 cubic meters of air per hour.
As part of our commitment to community welfare, we foster the development of Urban Forests to serve as environmental buffers. These forests help reduce air pollution, enhance soil for water retention, and improve public spaces. Through the FRISA Foundation and in collaboration with ROADIS, Red Ambiental, and Fibra Monterrey, we have planted approximately 700 trees since 2020 in the communities surrounding FRISA. Learn more here.